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Luxury bags
To Be Packing offers a wide selection of papers, colors, sizes, shapes, and details for luxury shopping bags. All of our luxury shopping bag models, in addition to being made with paper, can also be produced with cotton or linen canvas, transforming them into luxury bags of unmistakable elegance. Our shopping bags can be customized, for example by adding the brand’s name and logo, or by choosing a rope handle instead of leather.
The luxury shopping bags from the PELLAQ line are made with coated papers, creating three variants: Iguana, Croco, and Glean.
The SETALUX and SHANTUNG ranges feature luxurious satin shopping bags, a fine, soft, and precious fabric. The uniform appearance of satin fits well with any color, especially the more elegant ones.
Materials and colors
- Paper Freelife
- Paper Nettuno
- Paper Pellaq® Croco
- Paper Pellaq® Glean
- Paper Pellaq® Iguana
- Setalux® silky effect
- Shantung silky effect
- Paper Ispira
- Paper Sirio
- Cotton
- Paper Imitlin tela
- Paper Metal
- Paper KIND Linen

Do you need to make a new display for your storefront?
Contact us for a design consultation and discover all the color and material combinations available, even for small quantity supplies.