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Luxury bags
Do you want to impress your customers with unique personalized paper bags? Then the TONDA bag by To Be packing is the right choice. It is different from all other products, yet sophisticated: its rounded shape, interrupted only by the straight line of the base of support, cannot go unnoticed.
You can choose neutral colors, such as gray, blue or brown, to enhance the contrast between classic and modern, or dare with more vivid tones and thus give a burst of originality to a personalized paper bag already overwhelming. It is available in two sizes and can be customized in the type of paper and details.
Materials and colors
- Paper Freelife
- Paper Metal
- Paper Nettuno
- Paper Sirio
- Paper Imitlin tela
- Paper Ispira
- Paper KIND Linen
- Shantung silky effect
- Setalux® silky effect

Do you need to make a new display for your storefront?
Contact us for a design consultation and discover all the color and material combinations available, even for small quantity supplies.