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Presentation trays & Mirrors

Jewelry presentation trays represent a useful and adaptable support, that can be used as a showcase for the jewelry stores. On the same way, these trays are perfect to place, in a tidy way, necklaces, rings, earrings and charms, too.
Each presentation tray is designed to be easily moved, placed inside a showcase or stored in a strongbox.

Explore our catalog and choose the perfect solution for your business!

Jewelry presentation trays: the elegant and practical way to display your jewelry

Jewelry presentation trays are a versatile and useful tool for jewelers and retailers. They can be used to showcase jewelry in a store, at a trade show, or even in a home setting.

To Be Packing jewelry presentation trays are made from high-quality materials and are designed to be both elegant and practical. They are lightweight and easy to move, making them ideal for traveling jewelers.


Customize your jewelry presentation tray with To Be Packing

To Be Packing also offers a wide range of customization options, so you can create a jewelry presentation tray that perfectly matches your brand identity.

Our jewelry display trays can be completely tailor-made as far as colors, materials and interiors are concerned.

Moreover, each jewelry tray can be matched with the other products and the packaging of your jewelry store, creating a coherent brand identity.

Do you need to make a new display for your storefront?

Contact us for a design consultation and discover all the color and material combinations available, even for small quantity supplies.


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